Dear Mom: You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup!

The Importance of Self-Care

Hey friend, today we are going to talk about a topic that is so near and dear to my heart and one that is so easy that I feel for us to push to the side. Today we are going to take a deep dive into Self-Care! 

First, let’s talk about the infamous Type E personality.  A Type E personality is when we try to be everything to everybody both at work and at home. When you have these tendencies, it can create a downward spiral quite quickly and before you know it, you may be feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Trust me, I have been there and I know that, speaking to other working moms, that I am not alone in this! 

As a professional you are trying to manage so many different things and sometimes you are not even aware that you are stressed out.  It can happen so gradually; but, I will bet that those around you know and they may even begin to steer clear of you when you are stressed. Some potential signs that you may be trying to pour from an empty cup are that you have less patience with others and are short with people–especially those whom you love the most, or maybe you are having trouble sleeping or maybe you are not feeling the joy and passion you once felt doing the “fun” stuff. 

You may even start to feel resentment and have trouble looking at situations with your usual “we got this” positive attitude that you normally do. 

I will share a little secret with you that is not really a secret because, seriously people, we all now it. It is not a new revelation–you really can’t pour from an empty cup.  So, what can we do to help us get back on track?

In this blog we will explore some self-care strategies that will be beneficial to your physical and mental well being. These strategies are easy to implement if you are intentional in your actions.  One of the things I love working on with my clients is to create this awareness so that they can be more intentional, feel more confidence and set clear boundaries in their lives.  When you feel recharged and energized, it makes such a difference.  Action = Impact!

When we are burning the candle at both ends, it can show up both mentally or physically.  What can we do to begin to make gradual habit changes in our life in order to help us avoid burnout and live a happy and healthy life?  

Below are some strategies that you can implement starting today:

Physical Wellness:

· Be mindful what you put into your body – Eat well-balanced meals. I personally struggle with this one because I love  “sweets”. If we have them in the house, I have zero willpower.  What I have started doing is meal prep.  By stocking the fridge with healthy food that is already portioned out, it is easy to grab a healthy snack or a quick supper. 

· Be mindful of the time you spend watching the media – I found in the beginning of COVID, I was watching TV daily and also surfing the internet. It can become overwhelming and create anxiety for some people. One rule of thumb is to not watch it too close to bedtime as it may impact your sleep.

· Be mindful of how you spend your time – Time is a precious commodity to a working mom. You will often hear us say, “We don’t have enough time?”  What if I told you could create more time in your day by being intentional about how you spend your time. 

This summer, I have begun to be more conscious about my time management by adding in time blocking.  I use the Ultimate Planner, that I created and it has been a lifesaver for me.  It helps me to set my daily tasks and keeps me organized.  I have a short To-Do list section as well for my non-negotiable items that have to get done quickly.  There is also a section where you can write down 3 things that you are grateful for.  It is such a great way to begin your day with gratitude.  Whatever system you use, it is important to schedule in your activities/tasks  in specific time slots.  You can take your to-do lists and write it directly into your planner.    

· Be mindful of your thoughts – Focusing on the positive is so powerful because it can help to create a sense of hope.  When you begin to look at things through a positive lens, it allows you to be kinder and gentler to yourself and others.  

· Be mindful of your sleep patterns – Did you know that napping can make you smarter? I read it on the internet so it must be true-lol. We all know how much better we feel when we are sleeping properly. Having a quick nap can recharge you and refresh your brain. Obviously, we can’t take a nap at work (but wouldn’t that be great) but you can incorporate some mindfulness tools into your day to help create that calm and sometimes, much needed break we all need some time. 

Mental Wellness:

· Set priorities The Power of Finishing  – Set realistic goals using the SMART goal system.   I feel amazing when I reach a goal.  There is a sense of accomplishment when I finish something like posting this blog-lol!

· Connect-Connect-Connect – I cannot say that word enough! Make sure you are building a solid support network with friends and family. Being at home during COVID, my family has had to make some creative ways in order for us to connect with our friends while still making sure that everyone is safe. You can find a COVID family like we have and set up times to hang out.  Google meet and Zoom are both popular ways to interact from the safety of your home. Don’t forget the good old fashion way of picking up the phone and calling. I have tried to google meet with my parents, who are in their 70s, but they still prefer the phone.  It is not really their “thing”.

· Do Something for Others – There is not a better feeling for me than when I can do something for other people. I met up with some friends (and yes, we practiced social distancing) and brought them all a COVID care package with some chocolate, cheese, a cute notebook and some alcohol from a local brewery in Fort Saskatchewan (SUPPORT LOCAL).  

Now What:  

What do we need to do to make sure we are putting Self-Care top of mind?

Choose one or two strategies from the physical and mental wellness sections that you want to work on.  Write it down, say it out loud and then share this goal with your accountability partner (whether it is a friend, family member or a coach).  By doing this process, it increases your chance of sticking to your goals.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog.  Without you, I would be just writing to myself – lol!!  I value and appreciate each and every one of you.  You are all amazing and inspirational working moms!

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.