Bold and Brave Coaching

Positive Intelligence and Mental Fitness Program For High Performing Women

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is a mental fitness assessment and strengthening approach developed by renowned neuroscientist and Stanford alumnus Shirzad Chamine. It provides accessible terminology for exploring our strengths and challenges and tangible, engaging exercises to bolster greater mental fitness. 


Mental Fitness is your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset. Mental Fitness is essential in the pursuit of:

  • Peak performance
  • Peace of mind/wellness
  • Healthy relationships

Our PQ and mental fitness matter because while we cannot control life’s circumstances, we can equip ourselves to be better prepared and poised to handle whatever comes our way.


Mental Fitness is measurable and can be strengthened like any other muscle. It requires knowledge and practice, and the results are quantifiable and transformative. This program will provide you with the necessary coaching and tools to significantly improve your Mental Fitness in 6-weeks. And unlike physical fitness training, this is not painful or uncomfortable; it simply requires commitment and consistency. 


As a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC) Heather will help guide and support you through the process of developing mental agility, strength, and endurance so that you achieve your goals and clear life’s hurdles with graceful resilience. 


The secret to this is no secret at all, but a learned skill. 

The work of mental fitness is not to change who you are. Why? What do I mean by that? Change is hard. We don't want to change you. What we want to do is to help you remember who you already are!

If you’re not physically fit, you’d feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.  If you’re not mentally fit, you’d feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.

Recent events such as the novel coronavirus, disruption in financial markets, social unrest, and political changes have over-stretched you and those around you.

You need a new upgrade in your mental operating system to not just survive but thrive in these tumultuous times.

Within 6-8 weeks of mental fitness training you’d be able to see the results in MRI imaging:
  • Increased grey matter in the PQ Brain region, home to your Sage (positive mental muscles)
  • Decreased grey matter in the Survivor Brain region, home to your Saboteurs (negative mental muscles)

What you get from this 6-week program:

  • Initial PQ Assessment
  • 30-Minute weekly evening Pod Coaching, where we and 4-7 of your pod mates explore, discover, and experiment utilizing PQ tools.
  • Access to the PQ phone app, including the 1-hour weekly PQ video
  • 15 minutes/day of Coach Challenge and PQ Reps practice on the Positive Intelligence app (Free to download)
  • FREE! Audio Book: The Positive Intelligence book – included with your subscription
  • BONUS! Through the Positive Intelligence app, you will continue to have access to the course for an entire year.